

Dear colleagues,

the deadline for paper submission of the IC-SHARE 2024 has been extended until March 15th due to a high number of requests. We eagerly await the diverse array of contributions that will undoubtedly enrich our conference.

We are looking forward to receiving your contributions!

Important dates

Paper submission deadline: March 1st, 2024
Extended paper submission deadline: March 15th, 2024
Notification to authors deadline: April 1st, 2024
Early bird registration prices: April 15th, 2024
Late registration: April 29th, 2024
Preliminary conference program: May 1st, 2024
Conference: May 10th – 11th, 2024

Paper submission

Papers must be submitted through the Microsoft CMT system, with a note to which program area the paper belongs, no later than March 1st, 2024. The conference language is English, so we accept only papers written in English. Each author can submit a maximum of three papers, of which a maximum one as the first author and two as a co-author. All papers will undergo originality check.

The paper selection will follow a double-blind review process, meaning that both the authors and reviewers will remain anonymous during the paper selection process. All authors must adhere to the following guidelines to conceal their identity:

  1. Remove author names, contact information, and affiliations from the author information table in the Conference template. You will be asked to add author information after the paper is accepted.
  2. Cite all relevant prior work (including your own) in the third person (for example, “It has been shown that… (Smith, 2023)”; do not use the words “my” or “our”).
  3. Eliminate acknowledgements and funding sources. These can be added later if the paper is accepted.
  4. Manuscripts that are not properly anonymized cannot be considered for review and will be returned to authors for anonymization.

Upload TWO files: an editable version of the paper (.docx) and a PDF version of the paper.

The scope of paper should be up to 5 pages (A4 format), including tables, images, list of used literature and other appendices. For papers that exceed the allowed number of pages, an additional payment will be made in the amount of 50 € for each page exceeded. For text processing use the following template:

IC-SHARE paper template

Paper presentation

Each paper can be presented by one or more authors, but every author who wishes to attend and present, should register. All paper in-person presentations have been allocated 15 minutes (10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A). Prepare the presentation using the following template:

IC-SHARE presentation template

Registration fee

Registration fee includes:

  • participation in sessions;
  • conference material;
  • welcome cocktail and gala dinner;
  • refreshments during breaks.

Price for the participation in the first international conference International Conference on Sharing Economy and Contemporary Business Models: Theory and Practice will be according to the category of participants:

CategroryBy April 15th, 2024After April 15th, 2024
Paper authors90 € (VAT included)150 € (VAT included)
Participants without paper60 € (VAT included)60 € (VAT included)
Accompanying person60 € (VAT included)60 € (VAT included)
Postgraduate students*60 € (VAT included)60 € (VAT included)
*Postgraduate students are required to submit proof of active study

The deadline for registration fee payment is April 29, 2024.

After payment, the payment slip (individual) or a copy of the bill (legal entities) must be sent to email icshare@fon.bg.ac.rs for records. Include paper ID in email subject.

Registration fee for one participant covers the costs of publishing one paper.

Payment instructions for foreign participants – EUR

Payments are made via bank wire transfer, according to the following instructions presented in the document. Transaction cost (all bank/transfer wise commissions) will be borne by the participant and we should receive the full amount as mentioned in the table.

Payment instructions for individual participants – RSD

Payments are made according to the instructions presented in the document. Payments should be made in Serbian dinars. Transaction cost (all bank/transfer wise commissions) will be borne by the participant and we should receive the full amount as mentioned in the table.

If you would like to receive the receipt, please provide us with your billing address: icshare@fon.bg.ac.rs.

Payment instructions for institutional participants from the Republic of Serbia – RSD

Payments are made via bank wire transfer, according to the following instructions:

  1. Fill in the form and return it to the following email: icshare@fon.bg.ac.rs.
  2. You will receive pro-forma invoice.
  3. Make the payment in Serbian dinars. Bank account information of the symposium organizer can be found in the following document. Transaction cost (all bank/transfer wise commissions) will be borne by the participant and we should receive the full amount as mentioned in the table.
  4. You will receive the invoice.


Papers accepted for participation in the Conference will be published in the Proceedings. Proceedings will be published in electronic format on the Conference website, after the Conference.

Published papers will be assigned a DOI number. The papers will be indexed in the Google Scholar database. Papers will be submitted to WoS and Scopus for possible indexation.

After the Conference, the presented papers, are encouraged to be extended and submitted for potential publication in the following journals:

  • Technovation – The International Journal of Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Management – Indexed in WoS – IF(2022): 12.5 – in fields Engineering, Industrial (2/50), Management (9/227), Operations Research & Management Science (1/86) – AJG Rating: 3, CNRS Rating: 2, ABDC Rating: A
  • Technological and Economic Development of Economy – Journal that publishes original research on all areas of sustainable economic development including political, economic and technological economic strategies –  WoS Indexed – IF(2022): 5.9 in the field Economics (74/155)
  • International Marketing Review (IMR) – The leading academic journal dedicated to advancing knowledge in international marketing theory and practice – Indexed in WoS – IF(2022): 5.0 – in the field Business (74/155) – AJG Rating: 3, CNRS Rating: 3, ABDC Rating: A
  • Statistical Journal of the IAOS – the flagship journal of the International Association for Official Statistics – Indexed in Scopus – Q3 – Economics and Econometrics – SRJ 2022 0.27