

Liliia Shumyliak, Luboš Cibák


This paper examines the experience of implementing Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in the field of management and examines their impact on optimization and innovative changes. Examples of successful IoT implementations are analyzed and specific cases of solving management problems using these technologies are provided. The paper reveals the technological landscape of IoT in management identifies changes in the management approach and considers the creation of adaptive and reactive management strategies. The difficulties of implementing IoT technologies in management practice are outlined and the ways of future research are indicated.

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Shumyliak, L., & Cibák, L. (2024, May 10-11). Experience in Implementation of Internet of Things Technologies in Management Practices: from Optimization to Innovation. In M. Maričić, V. Jeremić & N. Zornić. (Eds.), Proceedings of the first International conference on sharing economy and contemporary business models: Theory and practice, IC-SHARE 2024, Belgrade, Serbia, (pp. 69-74). https://doi.org/10.62863/BVUA4649.

