

Vuk Jovanović, Nikola Zornić, Aleksandar Marković


This paper presents a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of the academic discourse surrounding Airbnb, a leading figure in the sharing economy, focusing on author productivity and the evolution of research themes from 2010 to 2023. Utilizing data extracted from the Web of Science platform, we systematically review 2,023 scholarly articles to map out the trajectory of Airbnb research. Our findings reveal a noticeable growth in publications, reflecting Airbnb’s expanding influence on global accommodation practices, local communities, and the broader hospitality industry. The analysis highlights key areas of scholarly interest, including Airbnb’s disruptive innovation, its economic and social impacts, and the crucial role of trust and reputation in peer-to-peer transactions. This paper not only chronicles the rise of Airbnb within academic literature but also underscores the multidisciplinary interest it has sparked, paving the way for future research into its continuing evolution and broader implications within the sharing economy.

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Jovanović, V., Zornić, N., & Marković, A. (2024, May 10-11). Airbnb in Academic Focus: A Bibliometric Analysis of Research Trends and Author Productivity. In M. Maričić, V. Jeremić & N. Zornić. (Eds.), Proceedings of the first International conference on sharing economy and contemporary business models: Theory and practice, IC-SHARE 2024, Belgrade, Serbia, (pp. 101-105). https://doi.org/10.62863/WLDO9331.

