Nora Ramadan, Mohamed Sobhy Temerak, Jelena Filipovic, Milena Micevski
This study aims to integrate the sensemaking literature with the transformative service research to understand the decision-making processes of economically disadvantaged stakeholders in their interactions with ride-sharing companies. Through an exploratory qualitative investigation, based on the analysis of 53 in-depth interviews and a thematic analysis of the content of the two main social networking groups for vulnerable groups, the study found that the selection of vulnerable actors is influenced by a complex interplay of five elements, leading to three distinct sub-groups: non-switchers, switchers, and double agents. This research presents an empirical model that examines how the sensemaking and decision- making processes of marginalized and vulnerable stakeholders might impact the long-term viability of the business model of ride-sharing companies.
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Ramadan, N., Temerak, M. S., Filipovic, J., & Micevski, M. (2024, May 10-11). Examining the Sensemaking Process of Economically Vulnerable Groups in the Sharing Economy Context. In M. Maričić, V. Jeremić & N. Zornić. (Eds.), Proceedings of the first International conference on sharing economy and contemporary business models: Theory and practice, IC-SHARE 2024, Belgrade, Serbia, (pp. 184).